4KET4Reuse project is ongoing

The 4KET4Reuse project –kets for the removal of emerging contaminants in the recovered  water, in which Nanoelectra is a technological partner, was signed  by all the partners last 27 September. Coordinated by Fundación Centa the project aims to validate four enabling technologies for removing emerging contaminants in regenerated waters and market promotion in the SUDOE. 

KET4Reuse project is funded by the European Union under the framework of Interreg SUDOE Programme and will last for three years.

The 4KET4Reuse project has the main objective of the promotion program of applied research and dissemination related to key enabling technologies, and the programme’s priority will be to promote innovation capabilities for smart and sustainable growth. The thematic objective is to strengthen research, technological development and innovation. 

The main objectives of 4KET4Reuse project are the validation of four enabling technologies (Key Enabling Technologies, Kets) for the elimination of emerging contaminants (ECs) in treatment plant effluent and their promotion in the SUDOE space market, breaking the barriers between academic research and the water sector, and promoting job creation.

The consortium is coordinated by CENTA (Spain) and consists of beneficiaries from Spain (CISC-IRNAS and Nanoelectra S.L.), France (IRD) and Portugal (FCTUNL and Madan Parque). It also has the collaboration of the following partners from Spain (ASA-Andalucía), France (Bio-UV, Transferts LR) and Portugal (Água de Lisboa and Vale do Tejo).

Nanoelectra at EU-ISMET 2016

Nanoelectra sponsored the 3rd European Meeting of the International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, in Rome (Italy) on 26-28 September 2016. This event gathered the scientific community to present and discuss the latest advances in research and industrial application of microbial electrochemical technologies.

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